Saturday, 16 January 2010

Talking of courses

Keith signed up for a two day workshop on woodturning, something he's been wanting to try for a long time. Now that he has his big shed and time he thought it was time give it a go. The workshop was due to start shortly after we arrived back from Austria but snow put paid to that. Finally on Thursday the big day arrived. Here are a couple of photos his tutor took while Keith was engrossed in practising what he'd been taught. He rang me a lunchtime to say he'd enjoyed himself but so far the only thing he'd made was a large pile of wood chippings. Good job the tutor has a woodburner in the workshop.

At the end of the day he was the proud owner of two pieces of wood with different curves and grooves and a candlestick. Tomorrow (Sunday) is the second day of the course and he's planning to make a pen and a bowl. He's really enjoying himself and I get some time to play too.
I keep looking at the big box of scraps I have and am determined to do something with them, what I haven't decided but tomorrow while Keith is at his woodturning course would be a good day for me to make a mess too.

We thought we'd go out for the day today and take photos for our homework but its raining hard with some snow in the rain. Not sure you are supposed to take cameras out in the rain. Buster came with us but solidly refused to get out preferring to stay in the warmth of the car. Not a stupid dog after all.


Julie said...

I have been known to collect woodshavings for my art, not that I'm always sure what I will do with them! Enjoy your day tomorrow :)

Jean Lennon said...

Isnt it great when they have a big shed to go to so you can have peace and quiet and get on with your sewing