I made these atc's for the 'Blue' swap on
Mixedmedia_UK group the first I've made for a while. For once they will be on time and not scrabbling there last minute.

I covered pelmet vilene in gesso, sprayed it with black Quink ink, which is supposed to give subtle blue/pink edges but mine just went blue. Still that's what I wanted but they weren't blue enough so I sprayed them with Adirondack colour spray inks. Once they were dried I brushed them with blue irridescent powder. I liked them but they didn't look 'finished'. I found some broad velvet ribbon and sewed that and four very small sequines. It still didn't look finished. I decided it needed a tassel and made one out of Maderia FS2/2 blue metallic thread and fastened them on with a large sequin and glass bead. I thought I'd better stop there before I went really overboard.

It's my friend Wendy's birthday today and as usually I hadn't got a card. I always mix her birthday up with St George's day, which as everyone knows is a month later. In desperation I remembered she liked fabric postcards. I dragged out my embellisher and felted a piece of lace curtain onto pelmet vilene. Stalks were made from twisted yarn and the flowers sewn into place with beads and sequins. I just hope she likes it as its too late now to go out a buy one.
Keith has been busy this week making me a new cupboard with drawer in the top to hold the embroidery unit for my Bernina. Its an awkward shape to have lying around and its been living under the table near the radiator, which I'm sure can't have been doing it much good. At long last it has its own home now. My sewing machine keeps telling me its time for a service so I need to sort that out next week.
My consultant wasn't too happy with my diabetic control, although he did think I was doing my best. It's been suggested I change the way I calculate my insulin. Instead of going on my blood monitoring result I now have to count carbohydrate values. Apparently 10g of carbs = 1 unit of insulin (or in my case 2 units of insulin). Good thing is they are not worried about how much sugar I consume, they said they didn't care if I ate 3 Mars bar a day just so long as I watch the carbs. Needless to say when we went out yesterday for Mother's Day lunch I had a pud!!!
The boys took me to Walworth Castle for lunch yesterday, okay dh and Mum came too but it was lovely to be pampered. The meal was fabulous, we ate so much that I promptly fell asleep when we got home.
Going to Jan's review (mil) tomorrow wonder what will come up there.