We had a wonderful couple of days and stayed in a hotel at the top of the South Cliff with a wonderful view of the sea. In the evening Keith booked a meal at one of the restaurants so we thoroughly enjoyed our birthday.
Before I went I made a start on the Dotee Dolls for the MixedMedia_ATC group swap. I made two then got carried away and made another two. Now I have the problem of deciding which Dotee will go to their new homes as I've grown fond of them all. They took on personalities of their own.

I've got four postcards to finish and put in the post before Tuesday for the private swap. This one is based on a nautical theme. All sorts of ideas ran through my head but I found myself making something completely different from my thoughts. I'll post photos once they are all done.
We're off to Kent on Wednesday to see Leeds Castle, Sissinghurst and Pankhurst gardens. I did hope to get to the quilt show at Hever but not sure I'll have time as my friend Judy has just moved to a small village in Kent and I would also like to spend some time with her.
We'll be back a week then are off again, this time to Warwickshire with the U3a Garden Club after that I think we can take time to catch up.
off for the day. We thought we'd pack an overnight bag and stay out all night if we so desired.