I did manage to get some sewing done this week. I was persuaded to enter the Reticule (shop in Kendal) cancer charity exhibition. For a £5 entrance fee you were sent either a fat quarter of fabric or a bag of Texere yarns - I chose the yarns and when it arrived they were all shades of pink. This is what I made:
I used the pack of yarns and my embellisher to make a fabric which I lined and turned into a small evening bag. The flower was made from wool tops which I wet felted and cut out two rough flower shapes. These were then beaded, tasselled and sewn in place on the bag. There is a small internal pocket. I had several shades of pink and purple ribbons but none that matched well, or were too short to bind the bag. So despite having told myself I was not going to buy more ribbons I did.
I don't think I told you that a few weeks ago a lady I'd not met before emailed me and asked if I would sell one of the houses I made for the Textilechallenge group swap. It was the Hen House. As the group no longer exists I didn't want to sell or part one of my set of houses. However we came to an arrangement, I made her her own Hen House and she sent me one of her handmade gifts and this is it.
One other thing I've been meaning to show you. When we were decorating my sewing room and sorting out all the stuff I had scattered throughout the house I came across this Elizabethan sweetie bag. I had made it some time ago at one of the Embroiderers Guild workshops. We drew the flowers, painted the centres and used goldwork threads and silks to embroider the rest. I'd completely forgotten about it until it came to light.
Some lovely things on your post today Annette. The bag is beautiful. I'm glad you found some comfort from saying goodbye to your friend.
Have a lovely break next week.
Thank you for keeping up with your blog at what must be a sad time for you. I hope that the pleasure it gives to others will make the effort seem worthwhile.
I live in New Zealand. My sons treated me to a trip to the UK 5 years ago. I loved the Lake District so much, followed by Oxford! How was your holiday at Windermere? I trust it brought you some peace and healing.
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