Friday 12 July 2013

Keith back to driving

He was given the good news on Wednesday after seeing his stroke consultant.  They are very pleased with the way he's recovered and gave him the go ahead to start driving again.  We had our first drive out this morning, early, before the shops opened.  He was quite cautious for the first five or ten minutes then the old 'heavy boot' syndrome kicked in.  Having said that he is a careful drive just hates being behind someone who is driving below the speed limit in the middle of the lane.   We've all been there but he enjoyed driving again and its given him a bit of his confidence back.

Wednesday was a good news, bad news day.  The second consultant he saw that day gave him bad news.  The routine chest x-ray he'd had showed shadowing on his lungs and according to the consultant its typical of cancer.  So Wednesday is going to be another all dayer at the hospital while Keith undergoes CT scans of his thorax, blood tests, bronchoscopy and sampling of the tumour.  After which we will know more about what he has to face.  We are hoping for good news.

In the meantime my sewing has taken a nose dive.  I have the fabric all cut out for 16 more owl purses.  This will bring the total up to 40 and I might just have them ready for the Christmas dinner treat.  Although at the moment I am doing badly in the sewing concentration department.

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