New beginnings for my son who's landed a job closer to home and for more money. At last he can give up the 180 mile round trip each day to work and back. I must say his dad and I are very please we do worry about him trailing up and down the A1M each day.

Another new beginning - my grandson's mother has just had another baby. A boy, she has three sons, he was born on Friday and weighed 8lb and they've called him Dale. I shall have to make something for Dale but what, ah that's the question. Although my son and Mel parted company some time back and Mel married someone else we see quite a bit of her and still feel she's part of our family. Typical teenaager Matthew when I asked on Friday if his mum had had the baby yet he said no. He forgot to tell me she was in labour at the time, obviously going out with his dad to buy vinyl was more important - men!!!
Finally finished the Charms for the Fibrearts group. Doubt I'll make many more charms as I'm not really keen on them. Would only make them with left-over projects in future I feel. I can't see me making jewellry out of them might use them as an embellishment on something else.
Been a busy few days, Mum finally got back into her flat but the flat-fall shower has yet to be fitted and the gas supply to the flat has yet to be laid. Although there is a rumour that it'll be in by 10th August. Quite cross about the shower though. Social Services are organisating the installation of the bathroom fittings so a separate date had to be arranged for this renovation. They were given the day the council were starting on Mum's flat and the expected finish date. Arrangments for them to come in and fit the shower after the council renovations had been done. My brother got a phone call from them on the day Mum returned to her flat saying that as they'd been trying to ring my Mum but hadn't managed to get in touch with her they'd started another job and would fit her shower on the 20th August.. What I can't understand is why did they ring her flat they knew should would be at my brother's home while the renovations were being carried out by the council. Als why when a 91 year old lady consistently fails to answer her phone did they not try to find out why or contact the family? Hmm not impressed at all.
I feel cross when I think about it so I had better go and do something soothing like sewing.