I have done some sewing, not much I'll agree but the hand sewing of my cards for the June 'patchwork' swap was very calming. I chose a variation of Cathedral Window for my card and I think I'm going to make a smaller version in Christmas fabrics to hang on the tree. Anyone done this?

I joined the Flower Page swap on MixedMedia_ATC group and the two pages below are my June pages which by now should be with their respective new owners. I hope they like them.
The background is painted lutradur on which I sewed paper lace then used the backing of the lace as a stencil. The central 'flower' is several layers of sheers which I then burned back using a flower stencil. Small lace flowers were the last pieces to go on.

The next two flower pages are the onces I received in the swap.
This one from Paula Watkins. I think she has bonded dried flowers and silk rovings between a cotton bottom sheet and a top sheer.

The second page is from Pat Heeth and Pat has made folded patchwork flowers with buttons for the centres. Leaves and a lace border complete the card.
I received this really great Mailer Journal from Tracy Borders. Tracy has been really creative with the cover and I haven't photographed the inside but the pages are all blue speckles. Thank you Tracy.

The second page is from Pat Heeth and Pat has made folded patchwork flowers with buttons for the centres. Leaves and a lace border complete the card.
These are two very different pages, I really enjoy how different we all think when given the same theme to play with.

I received my jigsaw puzzle pieces from the swap Pat Winters had organised a few weeks back. I think I must have done the wrong technique as these are all crazy patchwork pieces and mine were made from fabric paper. These pieces are all similar yet different. My follow conspirators in this swap where Ira Rosenstein (blue top left), Janine Franc (green top right), Arlene White (yellow bottom left) and Jennifer Wilson-Parks (blue bottom right).

Buster is making himself at home and knows he's top dog. He need to put on some weight and I'm sure with the amount he eats he will soon. He's begging to go for a walk, so is Keith so I'll close now and hopefully it won't be so long to my next blog.