My new Bernina 830 that is. I realised when I bought it that it would not go into my Horn cabinet and I was a bit upset about that but my 1630 is quite happy in it. Space in my sewing cubbyhole was a problem. We measured, remeasured and there was no doubt at all - it just would not fit in. I wasn't expecting to take delivery at the end of October so there was plenty of time for Keith to revamp my workspace. Then David Drummond rang and asked me if I would like it earlier as the lady before me on the list was going to Australia for three months and wanted her delivery when she got back. Naturally we panicked and the house started to look like a car boot sale as we hurriedly put boxes of stuff in every conceivable space. Everything came out and Keith set off to B&Q for wood. We ran out of time when it arrived on Friday!!! Undetered my gallant dh brought in the patio table, put a new top on it and made sure everything was level for the prince of the workshop.

Shelves went up

An extra bench went in so I could use my laptop, printer was stored on a shelf above me as was the inevitable box of paper, photographic paper and printable fabric storages.

My Horn cabinet came in handy as an extra workbench.
I love the machine, it takes some getting used to as it threads slightly differently and my hand automatically goes to the back of the machine to lift up the presser foot. But I am getting used to it now. I particularly like the fact that you can set the presser foot to rise slightly (hover) with the needle down. Useful when you are doing applique. I feel that unlike the 730 my love/hate relationship with the 830 will bebetter, at least I do hope so.
I've been making articles for the Advent Swap but I can't show those in case my partner reads this blog.
There's been quite a bit of talk about the new
"Talking Threads" series on channel 171 so I've set the series link to record all the episodes. I've also subscribed to the
365 Days of Quilting in an effort to improve my fmq. If you haven't seen or heard about these two blogs have a look at them.
How tidy and organised you are, your hubby has made agrand job of making everything fit. Thank you for the quilting link.
That's one stunning workroom! Have fun with your new machine, it looks a serious piece of kit. Thank you from me too for the quilting link. I've signed up for thier updates.
Love all the new work posted. Thanks for the tip on Talking Threads and 365 Days of FMQ! I've already put the button for Threads up on my blog to share with everyone!
PS...I am drooling over your workroom...hope I haven't made a mess on the floow!!! (grin) I guess Keith is a KEEPER!
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