Monday 27 May 2013

Crumbs and Homophones

Two more swaps I showed my 'crumbs' in the last post these are ones I have received.

 Top crumb is from Jan and the bottom crum from Alice.
This one is from Miriam

The other swap is Homophones, words that are spelt differently but sound the same.

 Sail and Sale from Janet
 Sea and See (Eye of Horus) from Jacquie
And mine, Sew and So.

Family update is that Keith is home, still a little weak on the left side but improving.  He's very tired and his concentration is poor when tired but apart from that he seems to have come through unscathed thank goodness.   He is bored though, no driving and worse still no woodturning - he isn't allowed to use sharp tools.   He's having a doppler test tomorrow but as he has had the clot busting drug it may prove negative, still better late than never.

I though seem to have lost the will to sew at the moment but hopefully once the Bank Holiday is over and I can talk to Keith's GP and other carers I will relax and begin to shuffle bits of fabric around.

1 comment:

Lyndsey said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and Keith . It's been a very traumatic few days so it's not surprising you aren't feeling like sewing. The crumbs and homophones are lovely and thank you for finding time to share them.