I've been given the go-ahead by my doctor to do absolutely nothing!! He's told my dh that he has to do all the washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning and shopping for at least the next few weeks. This is to give my poor lungs a rest. I can however sit and sew so there you are 'sewing on prescription' This came about because I attended a routine COPD clinic appointment this morning and my asthma was so bad I couldn't speak, most unusual for me Im such a chatterbox. The nurse was quite concerned and called the doctor in to check me out - hence my R&R instructions to my dh. Whose a lucky girl then......
I had two challenges to complete before midnight tonight and made a start on them yesterday. The glue gun dribble challenge from Textilechallenge group and TIF challenge for March. I started making dribbles and realised that the green glue (coloured with dye and heated in my HeatPot) was exactly the same green as in the TIF colour scheme. Two challenges with one stone (or glue gun) and the three cards here are the results. Think Egypt has rubbed off on me, especially the sandy background card as to me it looks like a crocodile and a snake.

This is my 'p0rtrait' for my private swap group, dh thinks it makes me look like Harry Potter and he may be right there. Its from the photo on my blog which was taken a couple of years ago. Insulin and steroids however have 'resculptured' me and I'm quite a bit heavier now although the hair is still short but mostly grey/blonde now.
Mum's doing okay at the moment but not too pleased that I'm out of action for 'duty calls'. I feel sorry for my brother as he'll take the brunt and he has enough on his plate with a disabled wife. I'v started coughing again which means I've stayed upright long enough so had better put the blog away for now, I'll dig out some more Egypt photos later.